Q- y = 7 is a line which is-(A) Parallel to y-axis (B) Parallel to x-axis (C) Passing through (7, 7) (D) Passing through origin​


Q- y = 7 is a line which is-(A) Parallel to y-axis (B) Parallel to x-axis (C) Passing through (7, 7) (D) Passing through origin​

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Mít Mít 3 years 2021-08-16T21:49:24+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    Answer:  (B) Parallel to x-axis



    Every point on the line y = 7 has a y coordinate of 7. Two such points are (0,7) and (1,7). The x coordinate can be anything you want. This line is completely horizontal and parallel to the x axis.

    We can think of y = 7 as y = 0x+7. It’s of the form y = mx+b with m = 0 as the slope and b = 7 as the y intercept.

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