Problem : PRAEMOP9 Cizre purchased some salted almonds at $6 a pound and some dried figs at $9 per pound. She spent $75 before tax.

Problem : PRAEMOP9
Cizre purchased some salted almonds at $6 a pound and some dried figs at $9 per pound. She spent $75 before tax.
If she bought 1 pound of figs, how many pounds of almonds did she buy?

0 thoughts on “Problem : PRAEMOP9 Cizre purchased some salted almonds at $6 a pound and some dried figs at $9 per pound. She spent $75 before tax.<br”

  1. Answer:

    Cizre bought 11 pounds of almond

    Step-by-step explanation:

    In order to solve this problem, we can first subtract the total Cizre spent, $75, by how much she spent on figs, which is $9 because she only bought a pound:

    75 – 9 = 66

    So, she spent $66 on almonds, but that isn’t what the question is asking. Using this information, all we have to do now is divide the total spent on almonds by the unit price per pound of the almonds:

    66 / 6 = 11

    And our answer is: Cizre bought 11 pounds of almonds, which seems like way too much for me but I guess Cizre just really likes almonds!

    Hope this helps! 🙂


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