POSSIBLE POINT An engine cylinder contains 250.0 mL of gas at a pressure of 1.00 atm. As the engine runs, it compresses the cylinder,


An engine cylinder contains 250.0 mL of gas at a pressure of 1.00 atm. As the engine runs, it compresses the cylinder, reducing the volume of the
25.0 mL. What is the new pressure of the gas at this volume?

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Nguyệt Ánh 3 years 2021-08-22T04:47:08+00:00 1 Answers 11 views 0

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    Answer: The new pressure of the gas at this volume is 10 atm.


    Given: V_{1} = 250 mL,        P_{1} = 1.00 atm

    V_{2} = 25.0 mL,          P_{2} = ?

    According to Boyle’s law, at constant temperature the pressure of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to volume.

    Therefore, formula used is as follows.

    P_{1}V_{1} = P_{2}V_{2}

    Substitute the values into above formula as follows.

    P_{1}V_{1} = P_{2}V_{2}\\1.00 atm \times 250.0 mL = P_{2} \times 25.0 mL\\P_{2} = 10 atm

    Thus, we can conclude that the new pressure of the gas at this volume is 10 atm.

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