PLEASE HELP!! Calculate the transfer of energy by a force of 15N when it movies the object by a distance of 5 m a. In the direc


Calculate the transfer of energy by a force of 15N when it movies the object by a distance of 5 m
a. In the direction of the force
b. In the direction at 60 degrees to the direction of the force
c. At right angles to the force

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Nho 3 years 2021-09-04T20:27:01+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    a. 75 joules

    b. 37.5 joules

    c. 0 joules


    work is defined as the product of force times the distance moved in the direction of the force

    Given data

    force F= 15N

    distance S= 5m

    1. In the direction of the force

    force= 15*5\\force= 75 joules

         2. In the direction at 60 degrees to the direction of the force

    force= 15cos 60* 5\\force= 15*0.5*5\\force= 37.5 joules

          3.  At right angles to the force

    force= 15cos 90* 5\\force= 15*0*5\\force= 0 joules

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