Pam and Jena, working together, can weed the garden in 9 hours. Working alone, Jena takes three times as long as Pam. How long does it take


Pam and Jena, working together, can weed the garden in 9 hours. Working alone, Jena takes three times as long as Pam. How long does it take Pam to weed the garden alone?

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RI SƠ 3 years 2021-09-05T15:09:27+00:00 1 Answers 19 views 0

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    2 hours and 15 minutes

    Step-by-step explanation:

    9 hours divided by 4 is 2 hours and 15 minutes

    Then you can multiply 2 hours and 15 minutes by 3 to get 6 hours and 45 minutes which is Jena’s time weeding the garden alone.

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