On Monday, Luis picked up five scones and six large coffees for the office staff. He paid $23.91. On Tuesday, Rachel picked up two scones an


On Monday, Luis picked up five scones and six large coffees for the office staff. He paid $23.91. On Tuesday, Rachel picked up two scones and seven large coffees for the office staff. She paid $17.89.

What is the cost of one scone?

What is the cost of one large coffee?​

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Thu Giang 3 years 2021-08-19T08:09:32+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    5s + 6c = 23.91

    2s + 7c = 17.89

    10s + 12c = 47.82

    -10s – 35c = -89.45

    -23c = -41.63

    c =  $1.81 for a large coffee

    2s + 7(1.81) = 17.89

    2s = 5.22

    s = $2.61 for a scone

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