On another planet, the isotopes of titanium have the given natural abundances. Isotope Abundance Mass (u) 46Ti 77.600% 45.95263 48Ti 16.100%


On another planet, the isotopes of titanium have the given natural abundances. Isotope Abundance Mass (u) 46Ti 77.600% 45.95263 48Ti 16.100% 47.94795 50Ti 6.300% 49.94479 What is the average atomic mass of titanium on that planet?

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Thiên Di 3 years 2021-08-23T05:18:36+00:00 1 Answers 18 views 0

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    Answer: Average atomic mass of titanium on that planet is 46.52


    Mass of isotope Ti-46 = 45.95263

    % abundance of isotope Ti-46  = 77.600 % = \frac{77.600}{100}=0.776

    Mass of isotope Ti- 48= 47.94795

    % abundance of isotope Ti-48 = 16.100%= \frac{16.100}{100}=0.161

    Mass of isotope Ti- 50 = 49.94479

    % abundance of isotope Ti-50  = 6.300%= \frac{6.300}{100}=0.063

    Formula used for average atomic mass of an element :

    \text{ Average atomic mass of an element}=\sum(\text{atomic mass of an isotopes}\times {{\text { fractional abundance}})

    Z=\sum[(45.95263 \times 0.776)+(47.94795 \times 0.161)+(49.94479\times 0.063)


    Average atomic mass of titanium on that planet is 46.52

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