Object 1 of mass m moves with speed v in the positive direction. Object 2 of mass 3 m moves with speed 4 v in the negative x-direction. How


Object 1 of mass m moves with speed v in the positive direction. Object 2 of mass 3 m moves with speed 4 v in the negative x-direction. How does the kinetic energy of mass 2 (K2) compare to the kinetic energy of mass 1 (K1)

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Farah 3 years 2021-08-06T13:56:45+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

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    This means that the kinetic energy of second object is 48times that of the first object


    Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion e.g motion of an accelerating car. Mathematically,

    Kinetic energy = 1/2mv² where;

    m is the mass of the object

    v is the velocity of the object

    If Object 1 of mass m moves with speed v in the positive direction, its kinetic energy will be expressed as;

    K1 = 1/2mv²

    For Object 2 of mass 3m moving with speed 4v in the negative x-direction, its kinetic energy can be expressed as;

    K2 = 1/2(3m)(4v)²

    K2 = 1/2(3m)(16v²)

    K2 = (3m)(8v²)

    K2 = 24mv²

    To compare the kinetic energy of both bodies, we will take the ratio of K2:K1 to have;

    K2/K1 = 24mv²/(1/2)mv²

    K2/K1 = 24/(1/2)

    K2/K1 = 48

    K2 = 48K1

    This means that the kinetic energy of second object is 48times that of the first object and moving in the negative x direction since the body of mass 3m initially moves in the negative x direction.

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