ncreasing the frequency of rotation of the coils in an electrical generator increases the output emf.urn coil with a 0.250 m2 area is spun i


ncreasing the frequency of rotation of the coils in an electrical generator increases the output emf.urn coil with a 0.250 m2 area is spun in the Earth’s 5.00×10−5T field, producing a 12.0 kV maximum emf. At what angular velocity must the coil be spun?

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Khoii Minh 3 years 2021-08-06T04:45:03+00:00 1 Answers 21 views 0

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    The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

    A 500-turn coil with a 0.250 m2 area is spun in the Earth’s 5.00 × 10−5 T field, producing a 12.0 kV maximum emf. (a) At what angular velocity must the coil be spun? (b) What is unreasonable about this result? (c) Which assumption or premise is responsible?


    ω=1.92 × 106 rad/s


    Emfo= 12.0×10^3 V

    N= 500 turns

    A= 0.250 m^2

    B= 5.00×10^-5



    Emfo= NABω

    ω= Emfo/NAB

    ω= 12.0×10^3/500×0.250×5.00×10^-5

    ω=1.92 × 106 rad/s

    b) This angular velocity is unreasonably high, it is very much higher than a value that can be obtained for any mechanical system.

    c) The unreasonable assumption or premise that a peak voltage as high as 12.0kV may be obtained.

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