List and briefly describe the steps of the scientific method.


List and briefly describe the steps of the scientific method.

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Thông Đạt 3 years 2021-07-16T06:41:03+00:00 2 Answers 138 views 0

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    The first step is to develop a research question that will guide the research, then create a testable hypothesis that states a specific prediction, next you design a study that included the type of measurements, who the study participants will be and the number of participants you will have. Once you have these things you will collect data by performing the experiment and recording all measures, then you will analyze the data and draw conclusions by asking questions and looking back at your hypothesis, and lastly you will report your findings to give other researchers an opportunity to evaluate and challenge your results.




    Make Observations, Use your 5 senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, to learn about the world around you. Ask Questions, Scientific investigations begin with ideas that your not sure about. Hypothesis, Make an educated guess or hypothesis, that you can test. Do an Experiment, Plan how to test your hypothesis design an experiment. Draw a conclusion, a statement that sums up what you learned.


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