List 3 pieces of evidence for the Earth’s spherical shape


List 3 pieces of evidence for the Earth’s spherical shape

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MichaelMet 3 years 2021-07-16T06:48:18+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    1.time zones

    2.The coriolis effect

    3. triangles


    1. day and night happen at different times at different places; it’s always day somewhere and night another.

    2. the coriolis effect means freely moving things (like cannonballs or hurricane  winds) are deflected to the right – but only if your north of the equator if you’re  south of the equator they’re deflected left.

    3. if you walk a certain distance and make three right angle you can successfully make a triangles with three 90 degree angles which is impossible on a flat surface.

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