Light traveling in air is incident on the surface of a block of plastic at an angle of 62.7° to the normal and is bent so that it make


Light traveling in air is incident on the surface of a block of plastic at an angle of
62.7° to the normal and is bent so that it makes a 48.1° angle with the normal in the
plastic. Find the speed of light in the plastic.
Note: Your answer is assumed to be reduced to the highest power possible.

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Amity 3 years 2021-08-09T14:50:12+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    v = 2.51 x 10⁸ m/s


    1.00sin62.7 = nsin48.1

    n = 1.19

    v = c/n = 3.00e8/1.19 = 2.51e8 m/s

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