Keisha and her family travel 227 miles on Monday and 337 Miles on Tuesday her brother drives 1/4 of the distance they travel on Monday and T


Keisha and her family travel 227 miles on Monday and 337 Miles on Tuesday her brother drives 1/4 of the distance they travel on Monday and Tuesday and her mom drives the rest her mom also drives 150 miles on Wednesday.

How many more miles does her mom drive then her brother in all?​

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Hồng Cúc 3 years 2021-08-05T17:20:34+00:00 1 Answers 12 views 0

Answers ( )



    her mother drives 142 miles more than her brother.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    227 + 337 = 564 miles in total driven

    ¼ of 564 miles = 136 miles (what her brother drives of the 564 miles)

    564 – 136 = 428 left

    her mother drives 428-150 miles from Wednesday = 278


    (plz mark branliest)

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