It took Helen 15 days to knit 100% of a quilt. Assuming she knit the same amount every day, how many days did it take her to knit 40% of the


It took Helen 15 days to knit 100% of a quilt. Assuming she knit the same amount every day, how many days did it take her to knit 40% of the quilt?

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Hải Đăng 3 years 2021-08-06T19:08:33+00:00 2 Answers 6 views 0

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    Ok so 100% – 40% = 3/5 but if you do it in a decimal its 0.6 but if you subtrack 15 – 40% it kinda a impossible problem so lets try 40% – 15 = 73/5 and as a decimal 14.6…Uhm thats really all I can give you for your problem.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Hope this helps! Have a good day!:) and happy St. Patrick’s day lol




    Step-by-step explanation:

    100% —–> 15 days

    40% ——> ? days

    how to solve: (40 x 15) devided by 100

    = (600) devided by 100

    = 6

    therefore, it took het 6 days to knit 40% of the quilt.

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