In an emergency an airplane needs to land on a short runway at Albany County Airport. The plane comes in for a landing with a speed of 95 m/


In an emergency an airplane needs to land on a short runway at Albany County Airport. The plane comes in for a landing with a speed of 95 m/s. The planes maximum magnitude of acceleration is 7.07 m/s2 as it comes to a stop. (a) What is the minimum time interval needed for this plane to stop?

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Edana Edana 3 years 2021-07-22T13:07:41+00:00 1 Answers 26 views 1

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    t = 13.43 s


    In order to find the minimum time required by the plane to stop, we will use the first equation of motion. The first equation of motion is written as follows:

    Vf = Vi + at


    Vf = Final Velocity of the Plane = 0 m/s (Since, the plane finally stops)

    Vi = Initial Velocity of the Plane = 95 m/s

    a = deceleration of the plane = – 7.07 m/s²

    t = minimum time interval needed to stop the plane = ?


    0 m/s = 95 m/s + (- 7.07 m/s²)t

    t = (95 m/s)/(7.07 m/s²)

    t = 13.43 s

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