In an effort to satisfy local demand for various fuels, a modest-sized blending operation is considering mixing pure ethanol with gasoline u


In an effort to satisfy local demand for various fuels, a modest-sized blending operation is considering mixing pure ethanol with gasoline using various schemes.
One calls for preparing four fuels: E100, which is pure ethanol; E85 which is 85.0 vol% ethanol and 15.0% gasoline; E10 which is 10.0 vol% ethanol and 90.0% gasoline, and pure gasoline (E0).
An estimate of the market for these fuels indicates that 5.00% of the demand (by volume) is for E100, 15.0% for E85, 45.0% for E10, and the remainder for pure gasoline (E0).
1) If there is no change in volume upon mixing the fuels and if 1.00 x 105 liters/day of E10 is produced (in addition to the other fuels, according to market demand), what are the volumetric flow rates of the product streams E100, E85, and E0 (pure gasoline)?
2) If there is no change in volume upon mixing the fuels and if 1.00 x 105 liters/day of E10 is produced (in addition to the other fuels, according to market demand), what are the volumetric flow rates of inputs of pure ethanol and pure gasoline?
3) Tank trucks are to transport the fuel from the blending operation to service stations in the area. The gross weight of a loaded truck, which has a tare weight of 1.1700 x 104 kg, cannot exceed 3.6000 x 104 kg. We wish to determine the maximum volume of each fuel that can be loaded onto a truck. Assume that the truck carries all four fuel products in accordance with market demand. What is the cargo weight limit for the truck?

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Amity 3 years 2021-07-27T22:33:28+00:00 1 Answers 9 views 0

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