if there is a trophy that is 13 inches tall and it’s shadow is 26 inches and there’s another trophy that’s 7 inches tall, whats is it’s heig


if there is a trophy that is 13 inches tall and it’s shadow is 26 inches and there’s another trophy that’s 7 inches tall, whats is it’s height?

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Verity 3 years 2021-09-02T03:40:30+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

Answers ( )

  1. We first have to use ratios:
    The first one is: 13/26 which equals 1/2
    Then the next ratio: 7/? Look at it this way x/2x x=7 so 2x = 14 inches. This is only if you mean the height of the second trophy’s shadow

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