If sinθ = 4/5 and cosθ < 0, then tanθ = a. -4/3 b. -3/4 c. 3/4 d. 5/4 e. 4/3


If sinθ = 4/5 and cosθ < 0, then tanθ =
a. -4/3
b. -3/4
c. 3/4
d. 5/4
e. 4/3

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Thiên Hương 3 years 2021-08-26T08:47:28+00:00 1 Answers 1 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    Since cot²θ + 1 = csc²θ,

    we have cot²θ + 1 = [1 / (4/5)]².

    => cot²θ + 1 = 25/16

    => cot²θ = 9/16

    => cotθ = -3/4 (as sine is +ve and cosine is -ve)

    => tanθ = -4/3. (A)

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