If Cathy receives all the discounts (30%, 20%, 10%, 15%, and an additional 20% Holiday Bonus Bucks discount, how much will she pay for the $


If Cathy receives all the discounts (30%, 20%, 10%, 15%, and an additional 20% Holiday Bonus Bucks discount, how much will she pay for the $90 sweater?

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-23T07:26:57+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

Answers ( )



    She will pay $30.8448.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Consider the provided information.

    The price of the sweater is $90.

    She gets a discount of 30% it means she needs to pay only (100-30)%=70% of $90.

    70% of $90 = 0.7\times 90 = 63

    Now she gets a discount of 20% it means she needs to only 80% of $63.

    0.8\times 63=50.4

    If she gets a discount of 10% on $50.4 it means she needs to pay 90% of 50.4

    0.9\times 50.4=45.36

    If she gets a discount of 15% on 45.36 it means she needs to pay only 85% of 45.36

    0.85\times 45.36 =38.556

    Now she gets an additional 20% holiday Bones Buck discount it means she needs to pay 80% of 38.556

    0.8\times 38.556=30.8448

    Hence, she will pay $30.8448.

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