If a second light bulb was added to a circuit, what would you expect to happen to the current and potential difference?


If a second light bulb was added to a circuit, what would you expect to happen to the current and potential difference?

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Orla Orla 3 years 2021-08-18T13:37:27+00:00 1 Answers 20 views 0

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    Ohm’s law can be expressed as;

                        V = IR.

    For the given question, two cases would be considered.

    1. If the circuit is a series circuit.

    For a series circuit, the potential difference across each bulb in the circuit varies. The current has the same value at any point in the circuit.

    When the second bulb is added, less current would flow through the bulbs. The current reduces, same as the potential difference across each bulb. Thus the brightness of the first bulb decreases because the current is shared between the two bulbs.

    2. If the circuit is a parallel circuit.

    In a parallel circuit, the potential difference across its ends is the same. But the current is shared between the bulbs. The potential difference is the same, while the current varies. Therefore, the second light bulb would produce light without affecting the brightness of the first light bulb in the circuit.

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