If 250 g of calcium chlorate decomposes into calcium chloride and oxygen, what mass of oxygen would be produced? ____ →


If 250 g of calcium chlorate decomposes into calcium chloride and oxygen, what mass of oxygen would be produced?

____ → ____ + ____

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-11T14:11:06+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    115.95 g


    The chemical reaction taking place is expressed as;

    Ca(ClO_3)_2->CaCl_2+ 3O_2

    #Calculate the moles of calcium chlorate in the reaction given a molar mass of 206.98 \ gmol^{-1}:

    Mass \ Ca(ClO_3)_2=\frac{250\ g}{206.98 \ gmol^{-1}}\\\\=1.2078 \ grams

    #The ratio of calcium chlorate to oxygen produced is 1:3.

    O_2 \ Moles=1.2078\times 3\\\\=3.6234\ moles

    #The molar mass of oxygen is given as 32. We therefore calculate the mass produced as:

    Mass \ O_2=Molar \ mass(O_2)\times \ moles\\\\=3.6234\times 32\\\\=115.95 \ g

    Hence, the mass of oxygen produced is 115.95 g

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