if 11.74 liters of gas at STP are pumped into a basketball, how many moles of gas are in the basketball? assume the basketball was completel


if 11.74 liters of gas at STP are pumped into a basketball, how many moles of gas are in the basketball? assume the basketball was completely empty prior to filling it with gas

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Kim Cúc 3 years 2021-09-03T01:37:15+00:00 1 Answers 50 views 0

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    0.52 mol


    Using the general gas equation formula:

    PV = nRT


    P = pressure (atm)

    V = volume (Liters)

    n = number of moles (mol)

    R = gas law constant (0.0821 Latm/molK)

    T = temperature (K)

    At STP (standard temperature and pressure), temperature of a gas is 273K, while its pressure is 1 atm

    Using PV = nRT

    n = PV/RT

    n = (1 × 11.74) ÷ (0.0821 × 273)

    n = 11.74 ÷ 22.41

    n = 0.52 mol

    There are 0.52 moles in the basketball

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