how many atoms of potassium are in 4.25 g of potassium ​


how many atoms of potassium are in 4.25 g of potassium

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Nho 3 years 2021-08-16T22:30:27+00:00 1 Answers 9 views 0

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    6.55 x 10^22 atoms K


    Convert from grams to moles (using K molar mass)

    K molar mass = 39.098 g/mol

    4.25 g K x 1 mol K / 39.098 g K

    [grams cancel out]

    = 0.1087 mols K

    Convert from moles to atoms (using Avogadro’s number)

    Avogadro’s number = 6.0221 x 10^23

    0.1087 mols K x 6.0221 x 10^23 atoms K / 1 mols K

    [mols cancel out]

    = 6.545987 x 10^22

    [with proper significant digits…..]

    = 6.55 x 10^22 atoms K

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