How does carbon cycle through Earth’s systems? A. As fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is made available for photosynthesis in animal


How does carbon cycle through Earth’s systems? A. As fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is made available for photosynthesis in animal cells. When the animals die, carbon is released into the soil, and the animal remains form new fossil fuels. B. Animals absorb carbon dioxide through their skin. Dead animals release carbon into the soil. Plants absorb the carbon from the soil and release carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. C. Plants absorb carbon dioxide through their leaves. Animals take in the carbon when they eat the plants. Animals exhale carbon dioxide. Dead plants and animals release carbon into the soilling D. Photosynthesis releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Cellular respiration uses carbon dioxide​

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Orla Orla 3 years 2021-07-24T13:31:40+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    D. Photosynthesis releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Cellular respiration uses carbon dioxide​.


    Carbon dioxide is taken out of the air by the photosynthesis process to make carbon food for crops.

    Animals and plants need a mechanism called respiration to remove carbon dioxide gas.

    When combustibles are burned, carbon flows from fossil fuels to the air.

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