Given a role of nickels. The diameter of one nickel is 0.835 inches, and the thickness is 0.077 inches. Find the surface area of a roll of $


Given a role of nickels. The diameter of one nickel is 0.835 inches, and the thickness is 0.077 inches. Find the surface area of a roll of $2 in nickels. Round to the nearest tenth.

*use π on your sci calculator.

Surface Area =

in progress 0
Eirian 3 years 2021-08-08T12:10:35+00:00 2 Answers 8 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    iven a role of nickels. The diameter of one nickel is 0.835 inches, and the thickness is 0.077 inches. Find the surface area of a roll of $2 in nickels. Round to the nearest tenth.

    *use π on your sci calculator.

    Surface Area =



    The answer is 0.8 in^2

    Step-by-step explanation:


    diameter = 0.835 in

    thickness = 0.077in

    Roll of $ 2.00


    1.- Find the total number of nickels

    # of nickels = 2/ 0.05

    # of nickels = 40

    2.- Calculate the Circumference

    C = 2*pi*r

    r = 0.077/2

    r = 0.0385

    C = 2*3.14*0.0385

    C = 0.242 in

    3.- Calculate the area of the thickness

    Area = 0.242* 0.077*40

    Area = 0.745 in^2

    4.- Calculate the area of the base and the top

    Area = 2*pi*r^2

    Area = 2*3.14*(0.0382)^2

    Area = 0.0093 in^2

    5.- Calculate the total area of the roll

    Total area = Area of the thickness + Area of the base and top

    Total area = 0.745 + 0.0093

    Total area = 0.7543 in^2 This is the result

    Rounding to the nearest tenth = 0.8 in^2

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