From what height must an oxygen molecule fall in a vacuum so that its kinetic energy at the bottom equals the average energy of an oxygen mo


From what height must an oxygen molecule fall in a vacuum so that its kinetic energy at the bottom equals the average energy of an oxygen molecule at 300 K ?

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Khải Quang 3 years 2021-08-05T07:31:46+00:00 1 Answers 1 views 0

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    The  value is  h  = 11930 \ m


    From the question we are told that

        The  temperature is  T  =  300 \  K


    Generally the root mean square speed of the  oxygen molecules is mathematically represented as

            v  =  \sqrt{\frac{3 *  R  *  T }{M} }  =  \sqrt{ 2 *  g  *  h }

    Here  R is the gas constant with a value  R  =  8.314 \  J\cdot K^{-1} \cdot \  mol^{-1}

        M  is the molar mass of oxygen molecule with value M  =  0.032 \  kg /mol


         \frac{3 *  8.314   *  300 }{0.032}   =  2 *  9.8  *  h

    =>    h  = 11930 \ m


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