f a single circular loop of wire carries a current of 45 A and produces a magnetic field at its center with a magnitude of 1.50 10-4 T, dete


f a single circular loop of wire carries a current of 45 A and produces a magnetic field at its center with a magnitude of 1.50 10-4 T, determine the radius of the loop.

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Thanh Thu 3 years 2021-08-29T05:27:30+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    Radius of the loop is 0.18 m or 18 cm


    Given :

    Current flowing through the wire, I = 45 A

    Magnetic field at the center of the wire, B = 1.50 x 10⁻⁴ T

    Number of turns in circular wire, N = 1

    Consider R be the radius of the circular wire.

    The magnetic field at the center of the current carrying circular wire is determine by the relation:

    B=\frac{N\mu_{0} I}{2R}

    Here μ₀ is vacuum permeability constant and its value is 4π x 10⁻⁷ Tm/A.

    Substitute the suitable values in the above equation.

    1.50\times10^{-4} =\frac{4\pi \times10^{-7}\times45 }{2R}

    R = 0.18 m

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