Experimental is a factor that can arise from incorrect use of measuring tools or malfunctioning equipment..



is a factor that can arise from incorrect use

of measuring tools or malfunctioning equipment..

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Maris 3 years 2021-09-02T23:38:26+00:00 1 Answers 41 views 0

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    An experiment can be defined as an investigation which typically involves the process of manipulating an independent variable (the cause) in order to be able to determine or measure the dependent variable (the effect).

    This ultimately implies that, an experiment can be used by scientists to show or demonstrate how a condition causes or gives rise to another i.e cause and effect, influence, behavior, etc in a sample.

    Cause and effect can be defined as the relationship between two things or events in which an occurrence one (cause) leads to the occurrence of another (effect).

    Experimental error is a factor that can arise from incorrect use of measuring tools or malfunctioning equipment such as thermometer, barometer, multimeter, voltmeter, ammeter, vernier caliper, etc. This error usually causes test results to be inaccurate, incorrect and as such leading to wrong experimental conclusions.

    Also, one common example of an experimental error is the error due to parallax.

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