Emily is standing 150 feed from a circular target with a radius of 3 inches. To hit a bulls’s eye, she must hold the gun perfectly level. Wi


Emily is standing 150 feed from a circular target with a radius of 3 inches. To hit a bulls’s eye, she must hold the gun perfectly level. Will she hit the target if her aim is off by two-tenths of a degree in any direction? (please show work – not just answer the question yes or no).

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MichaelMet 3 years 2021-07-31T19:32:25+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    She aims at the center of the target. If she is off by 1.5 in. or less, she hits the target. We need to find what distance from the bull’s eye an angle of 0.2° will make at 150 ft distance.

    tan A = opp/adj

    tan 0.2° = opp/150

    opp = 150 * tan 0.2°

    opp = 0.52 in.

    Since 0.52 in. < 1.5 in. she will hit the target.

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