Electromagnetic radiation is emitted when a charged particle moves through a medium faster than the local speed of light. This radiation is


Electromagnetic radiation is emitted when a charged particle moves through a medium faster than the local speed of light. This radiation is known as Cerenkov radiation. Cerenkov radiation is found in many interesting places such as particle detectors and nuclear reactors and can even be seen by astronauts when cosmic rays traverse their eyes. It should be stressed that the particle is never going faster than the speed of light in vacuum (or c), just faster than the speed of light in the material (which is always less than c). The creation of Cerenkov radiation occurs in much the same way that a sonic boom is created when a plane is moving faster than the speed of sound in the air. The various wavefronts that propagate in the material add coherently to create an effective shock wave. In this problem, you will become familiar with this type of radiation and learn how to use its properties to get information about the particles that created it.
A)What is the threshold velocity v_threshold (water) (i.e., the minimum velocity) for creating Cerenkov light from a charged particle as it travels through water (which has an index of refraction of n=1.33)?
v_threshold (water) =c
B)What is the threshold velocity v_threshold (ethanol) for creating Cerenkov light from a charged particle as it travels through ethanol (which has an index of refraction of n=1.36)?
v_threshold (ethanol) =c
C)Which of the following best explains why neutrally charged particles can’t give off Cerenkov radiation?
a) Neutral particles are too heavy to emit radiation.
b) Neutral particles don’t interact with the electromagnetic fields of the medium.
c) Neutral particles can’t move above the threshold velocity for Cerenkov radiation.
d) Charged particles hit the nuclei of the material more often and thus create more radiation

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Cherry 3 years 2021-07-14T02:08:25+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    If the particle moves in a medium with velocity and we describe the ratio between the velocity of the particle and the velocity of light as shown below:-


    β = vp / c

    Where the speed of light is c.

    n is the refractive index of the medium.

    And the light waves emitted

    vem = c /n.

    (a) threshold velocity is just   (1/n) c      


              (1/1.33) c =0.752C

    (b)  (1/1.36) c =0.735C

    (c) Neutral particles do not interfere with the medium’s electromagnetic fields.

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