Electric socks, popular in cold weather, have a 90 ohms heating element that is powered by a 9 V battery. If the socks are on for 3 min

Electric socks, popular in cold weather, have a 90 ohms heating element that is powered by a 9 V
battery. If the socks are on for 3 minutes (180 seconds), determine the amount of current used
to warm your feet while it is on.​

0 thoughts on “Electric socks, popular in cold weather, have a 90 ohms heating element that is powered by a 9 V battery. If the socks are on for 3 min”

  1. Answer : The amount of current used  to warm your feet is, 0.1 A

    Explanation :

    To calculate the current we are using ohm’s law:



    V = voltage = 9 V

    I = current = ?

    R = resistance = 90 Ω

    Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get the current.


    [tex]9V=I\times 90\Omega[/tex]


    Therefore, the amount of current used  to warm your feet is, 0.1 A


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