Examine the following expression. p squared minus 3 + 3 p minus 8 + p + p cubed Which statements about the expressio


Examine the following expression.

p squared minus 3 + 3 p minus 8 + p + p cubed

Which statements about the expression are true? Check all that apply.
The constants, –3 and –8, are like terms.
The terms 3 p and p are like terms.
The terms in the expression are p squared, negative 3, 3 p, negative 8, p, p cubed.
The terms p squared, 3 p, p, and p cubed have variables, so they are like terms.
The expression contains six terms.
The terms p squared and p cubed are like terms.
Like terms have the same variables raised to the same powers.
The expression contains seven terms.

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Nguyệt Ánh 3 years 2021-08-10T10:14:10+00:00 1 Answers 75 views 0

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    the terms in the expression are p squared, negative 3,3p, negative 8,p,p cubed

    Step-by-step explanation:

    hope that helps

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