During the first week of winter, a business used 1/6 of a tank of heating oil. It used two times as much oil in the second week as it did in

During the first week of winter, a business used 1/6 of a tank of heating oil. It used two times as much oil in the second week as it did in the first week. It used another 1/8 of a tank during the third week. A delivery of ½ tank was made at the end of the third week. The final fuel gauge shows a line between ½ and F. How much fuel did the business start with?

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  1. Answer:

    The business started with 23/24 of their tank full

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Step 1.

    Find the LCM of the denominators (2,6 and 8)


    Step 2.

    Change all the fractions to have a denominator of 24




    3/4= 18/24

    Step 3.

    Work backwards







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