Consider two parallel wires where the magnitude of the left currentis 2 I0(io) and that of the right current is I0(io). Point A is midway be


Consider two parallel wires where the magnitude of the left currentis 2 I0(io) and that of the right current is I0(io). Point A is midway between the wires,and B is an equal distance on the other side of the wires.
The ratio ofthe magnitude of the magnetic field at point A to that at point Bis________

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Khải Quang 3 years 2021-08-08T15:11:44+00:00 1 Answers 148 views 0

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    At the point midway between wires

    magnetic field due to wire having current 2I₀

    = 10⁻⁷ x 2 x2I₀ / r     where 2r is the distance between wires .

    magnetic field due to wire having current I₀

    = 10⁻⁷ x 4 I₀ / r

    magnetic field due to wire having current I₀

    = 10⁻⁷ x 2I₀ / r    

    = 10⁻⁷ x 2 I₀ / r     where 2r is the distance between wires .

    these fields are in opposite direction as direction of current is same in both .

    net magnetic field = (4 – 2 )x 10⁻⁷ x I₀ / r

    = 2 x 10⁻⁷ x  I₀ / r

    At point A net magnetic field = 2 x 10⁻⁷ x  I₀ / r

    At point B , we shall calculate magnetic field

    magnetic field due to nearer wire having current  2 I₀ = 10⁻⁷ x 4 I₀ / r

    magnetic field due to wire far away = 10⁻⁷ x 2 I₀ / 3r

    These magnetic fields act in the same direction so they will add up

    net magnetic field = [ (4 I₀ / r)  + (2 I₀ / 3r) ] x 10⁻⁷

    = (14 I₀ / 3r ) x 10⁻⁷

    Magnetic field at point B = (14 I₀ / 3r ) x 10⁻⁷

    Ratio of field at A and B

    = 3 / 7 . Ans

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