Choose all correct statements: Refractive index of medium A with respect to medium B is 4/3 and refractive index of medium A with respect to


Choose all correct statements: Refractive index of medium A with respect to medium B is 4/3 and refractive index of medium A with respect to medium C is 3/2. Medium B is denser than medium C When light travels from B to C light bends away from the normal Refractive index of C with respect to B is 8/9 Ratio of speed of light in medium B to the speed of light in medium A = 4/3

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Acacia 3 years 2021-08-19T09:28:11+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    Medium B is denser than medium C

    When light travels from B to C light bends away from the normal .

    Refractive index of C with respect to B is 8/9

    Ratio of speed of light in medium B to the speed of light in medium A = 4/3


    Refractive index of medium A /  Refractive index of medium B =  4/3

    Refractive index of medium A /  Refractive index of medium C = 3/2  

    Dividing ,

    Refractive index of medium B /  Refractive index of medium C

    = 3/2  x  3/4

    = 9 / 8

    Refractive index of medium B  >   Refractive index of medium C

    Refractive index of C with respect to B is 8/9

     speed of light in medium B /  the speed of light in medium A

    = refractive index of A / refractive index of B = 4 / 3

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