Calculate the electric potential at point A, the middle of the rectangle, and at point B, the middle of the right-hand side of the rectangle


Calculate the electric potential at point A, the middle of the rectangle, and at point B, the middle of the right-hand side of the rectangle. How would you find the electric potential?

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Thái Dương 4 years 2021-07-19T07:07:41+00:00 1 Answers 24 views 0

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    With the help of formula.


    We can calculate the electric potential of any point through the formula of electric potential which is given below.

    Electric potential =  Coulomb constant x charge/ distance of separation.

    Symbolically it can be written as,  V = k q/ r where

    V = electric potential  

    k = Coulomb constant

    q = charge

    r = distance of separation

    If we have all these data, we can simply put the data in the formula and we will get the value of electric potential.

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