Calcalculate potential energy given to a potato sack having a mass of 2 kg as I raise it to a height of 450 CM ​


Calcalculate potential energy given to a potato sack having a mass of 2 kg as I raise it to a height of 450 CM ​

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Philomena 3 years 2021-07-19T14:49:04+00:00 1 Answers 27 views 0

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    8.829 Joules


    The potential energy of an object, is the energy it posses (the energy stored within the object) by virtue of its relative elevation or height, position, state, or arrangement

    The potential energy of an object raised to a given height, P.E. = m·g·h


    m = The mass of the object

    g = The acceleration due to gravity, a constant ≈ 9.81 m/s²

    h = The present height of the object

    For the potato sack having a mass, m = 2 kg, and raised to a height, h = 450 cm = 0.45 m, we have;

    The potential energy given to the potato sack, by raising its height, P.E. is given as follows;

    P.E. = 2 kg × 9.81 m/s² × 0.45 m = 8.829 Joules

    The potential energy given to the potato sack, P.E. = 8.829 Joules

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