b. You now add an Op Amp (powered by ±5V) to the voltage divider. For this circuit, provide a governing transfer function. If Vin=5V, calcul


b. You now add an Op Amp (powered by ±5V) to the voltage divider. For this circuit, provide a governing transfer function. If Vin=5V, calculate Vout at the following two conditions: 1) R=100Ω and RS=100Ω, and 2) R=100Ω and RS=105Ω. Calculate sensitivity in units of Volt/Ohm. Show all work. (5 points)

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Euphemia 3 years 2021-07-26T16:36:10+00:00 1 Answers 6 views 0

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    1) Vout = -25 V

    2) Vout = -25.61 V

    The sensitivity is 0.122 V/Ω


    The equation for Vout is:

    V_{out} =-\frac{R_{f} }{R_{i} } (\frac{V_{in}R_{s}  }{R_{str} } )

    1) Given:

    Rf = 10 K

    Ri = 1 K

    Rs = 100 Ω

    Rstr = 200 Ω

    Vin = 5 V

    V_{out} =-\frac{10}{1} (\frac{5*100}{200} )=-25V

    2) Now, Rs = 105 Ω

    V_{out} =-\frac{10}{1} (\frac{5*105}{205} )=-25.61V

    The sensitivity is equal to:

    S=\frac{V_{out2}-V_{out1}}{R_{s2}-R_{s1} } =\frac{25.61-25}{105-100} =0.122V/ohm

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