An oscillator vibrating at 1270 Hz produces a sound wave that travels through an ideal gas at 325 m/s when the gas temperature is 22.0 ∘C. F


An oscillator vibrating at 1270 Hz produces a sound wave that travels through an ideal gas at 325 m/s when the gas temperature is 22.0 ∘C. For a certain experiment, you need to have the same oscillator produce sound of wavelength 28.5 cm in this gas What should the gas temperature be to achieve this wavelength?

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Helga 3 years 2021-09-04T15:23:27+00:00 2 Answers 172 views 0

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    Below is an attachment containing the solution.



         T = 53.44 ° C


    For this exercise we will use the relationship between the speed of sound and the wavelength and frequency

              v = λ f

              v = 0.285 1270

              v = 361.95 m / s

    The speed of sound is related to temperature in degrees Celsius

              v = 331 √(1 + T / 273)

              v² / 331² = 1 + T / 273

              T / 273 = v² / 331² -1

                T = 273 (v² / 331² -1)


    Let’s calculate

            T = 273 (361.95²/331² -1)

            T = 53.44 ° C

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