An object is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 50 feet per second from a building 35 feet tall. A)State and interpret the vertex. B)


An object is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 50 feet per second from a building 35 feet tall. A)State and interpret the vertex. B)When will the object hit the ground? slader

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bonexptip 3 years 2021-08-27T08:06:42+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    a) The vertex of the object’s motion measured from the top of the 35 ft tall building from which it was thrown = 38.82 ft.

    But the vertex of the object’s motion, measured from the ground = 73.82 ft

    b) 3.694 s after it was thrown.


    The vertex of an object’s motion is the highest vertical distance travelled.

    Using the equations of motion,

    u = initial velocity of the object = 50 ft/s

    v = velocity of the object at maximum height reached (the vertex) = 0 ft/s

    y = highest vertical height reached = ?

    y₀ = initial height of the ball = 35 ft

    g = acceleration due to gravity = -32.2 ft/s²

    v² = u² + 2g(y – y₀)

    0² = 50² + (2)(-32.2)(y – 35)

    (y – 35) = 2500/(2×32.2)

    y – 35 = 38.82 ft

    y = 38.82 + 35 = 73.82 ft

    b) For the time taken for the object to hit the ground.

    I will calculate the time taken to reach maximum height and add it to the time to reach the ground from maximum height.

    Time taken to reach maximum height

    u = initial velocity of the object = 50 ft/s

    v = velocity of the object at maximum height reached (the vertex) = 0 ft/s

    g = acceleration due to gravity = -32.2 ft/s²

    t₁ = ?

    v = u + gt

    0 = 50 + (-32.2)t

    t₁ = (50/32.2)

    t₁ = 1.553 s

    Time taken to reach the ground from maximum height

    u = initial velocity of the object at maximum height = 0 m/s

    t₂ = ?

    y = 73.82 ft

    g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/s²

    y = ut + (1/2)gt₂²

    73.82 = 0 + (1/2)(32.2)t₂²

    t₂² = (2×73.82)/32.2

    t₂² = 4.585

    t₂ = 2.141 s

    T = t₁ + t₂ = 1.553 + 2.141

    T = 3.694 s

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