An object is dropped from a bridge. A second object is thrown downwards 1.0 s later. They both reach the water 20 m below at the same instan


An object is dropped from a bridge. A second object is thrown downwards 1.0 s later. They both reach the water 20 m below at the same instant. What was the initial speed of the second object

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Thu Nguyệt 3 years 2021-09-02T23:46:41+00:00 1 Answers 253 views 0

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    vi = 14.610


    initial velocity of the first object (vi) = 0 m/s, because it was dropped

    distance (y) = -20 m

    initial position (y0) = 0 m

    acceleration due to gravity (g) = -9.8 m/s^2

    y = 1/2 gt^2 + vi*t + y0

    -20 = 1/2(-9.8)t^2 + 0 + 0

    -20 = -4.9t^2

    4.081 = t^2

    +√4.081 = t

    t = 2.020

    time of second object = 2.020 – 1 = 1.020

    Now we can plug in the new time to solve for vi of the second object.

    y = 1/2 gt^2 + vi*t + y0

    -20 = 1/2(-9.8)1.020^2 + vi*1.020 + 0

    -20 = -5.098 + 1.020vi

    14.902 = 1.020vi

    vi = 14.610 m/s

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