An electronic line judge camera captures the impact of a 57.0-g tennis ball traveling at 32.2 m/s with the side line of a tennis court. The


An electronic line judge camera captures the impact of a 57.0-g tennis ball traveling at 32.2 m/s with the side line of a tennis court. The ball rebounds with a speed of 21.6 m/s and is seen to be in contact with the ground for 3.94 ms. What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball during the time it is in contact with the ground

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Thanh Hà 3 years 2021-07-22T12:48:19+00:00 1 Answers 18 views 0

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    average acceleration is 1.365 × 10^{4} m/s²


    given data

    initila speed  u = -32.2 m/s

    final speed v = 21.6 m/s

    time taken t = 0.00394 s


    we get here average acceleration that will be express as

    v = u + at    ……………………..1

    put here value and we get

    21.6 = -32.2 + a × 0.00394

    solve it we get

    a = 1.365 × 10^{4} m/s²

    so average acceleration is 1.365 × 10^{4} m/s²

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