All household circuits are wired in parallel. A 1140-W toaster, a 270-W blender, and a 80-W lamp are plugged into the same outlet. (The thre


All household circuits are wired in parallel. A 1140-W toaster, a 270-W blender, and a 80-W lamp are plugged into the same outlet. (The three devices are in parallel when plugged into the same outlet.) Assume that this is the standard household 120-V circuit with a 15-A fuse.
a. What current is drawn by each device?
b. To see if this combination will blow the 15-A fuse, find the total current used when all three appliances are on.

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Ngọc Diệp 3 years 2021-08-08T13:30:30+00:00 1 Answers 16 views 0

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    total current = 12.417 A

    so it will not fuse as current is less than 15 A


    given data

    toaster = 1140-W

    blender = 270-W

    lamp = 80-W

    voltage = 120 V


    we know that current is express as

    current = power ÷ voltage   ………………….1

    here voltage is same in all three device


    current by toaster is

    I = \frac{1140}{120}

    I = 9.5 A


    current by blender

    I = \frac{270}{120}

    I = 2.25 A


    current by lamp is

    I = \frac{80}{120}

    I = 0.667 A

    so here device in parallel so

    total current is = 9.5 A + 2.25 A + 0.667 A

    total current = 12.417 A

    so it will not fuse as current is less than 15 A

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