Air exits a turbine at 200 kPa and 1508C with a volumetric flow rate of 7000 liters/s. Modeling air as an ideal gas, determine the mass flow


Air exits a turbine at 200 kPa and 1508C with a volumetric flow rate of 7000 liters/s. Modeling air as an ideal gas, determine the mass flow rate, in kg/s.

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-09-04T17:16:34+00:00 1 Answers 100 views 0

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    mass flow rate = 11.464 kg/sec


    given data

    P = 200 kPa = 2 × 10^{5}  Pa

    temperature = 150°C  = 423 k

    volumetric flow rate = 7000 liters/s


    first we get here molar flow rate that is express as

    molar flow rate  = \frac{Pv}{RT}   ……………..1

    put here value

    molar flow rate  = \frac{2 \times 10^5 \times 7}{8.314\times 423}  

    molar flow rate  = 398.06 mol/sec


    now we get mass flow rate

    mass flow rate = molar flow rate × average  mol weight …………..2

    mass flow rate = 398.06 × 28.8

    mass flow rate = 11464.3 g/sec

    mass flow rate = 11.464 kg/sec

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