A triangle has sides with lengths of 100 inches, 56 inches, and 80 inches. Is it a right triangle?


A triangle has sides with lengths of 100 inches, 56 inches, and 80 inches. Is it a right triangle?

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Thu Giang 3 years 2021-09-03T01:10:08+00:00 2 Answers 0 views 0

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    Possibly, A right triangle has a really long side that is “c” in the picture. If the 100 length is c then the 80 one could be “b” while the 56 is “a”

    I know it doesnt make much sense but I hope it helps

    I see people looking at mine because its simple but you should look at the other guys awnser. He has information and details that explain their awnser. I didn’t really do much to get the awnser. Look at theirs Please.




    Step-by-step explanation:

    If these sides come out true in the Pythagorean Theorem, then it is a right triangle.

    a² + b² = c²

    56² + 80² = 100²

    3136 + 6400 = 10000

    9536 ≠ 10000

    Since these values do not come out true in the Pythagorean Theorem, it is not a right triangle.

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