A transformer supplies 60 watts of power to a device that is rated at 20 volts. The primary coil is connected to a 120-volt ac source. What


A transformer supplies 60 watts of power to a device that is rated at 20 volts. The primary coil is connected to a 120-volt ac source. What is the current I1I1I_1 in the primary coil

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Thiên Ân 3 years 2021-09-04T06:37:36+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    The current in the primary coil would be 0.5\ A.


    Given the power supplied by a transformer is 60 watts.

    And the voltage in the primary coil is 120 Volts.

    We need to find the current supply in the primary coil.

    We will use the formula

    P=V\times I


    P is the power in Watts.

    V is the voltage in Volts.

    I is the current supply in Ampere.

    I=\frac{P}{V}\\\\I=\frac{60}{120}\\ \\I=0.5\ A

    So, the current in the primary coil would be 0.5\ A.

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