A team of bicyclists are on bikes that require 512 J of work to ride. It takes 432 J of work for the bike to turn the gears. What is the mec


A team of bicyclists are on bikes that require 512 J of work to ride. It takes 432 J of work for the bike to turn the gears. What is the mechanical efficiency of the bike?

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Khánh Gia 3 years 2021-08-29T00:03:02+00:00 1 Answers 2 views 0

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    84.4 %


    Mechanical efficiency = output work/input work × 100 %

    output work = 432 J of work for the bike to turn the gears

    input work = 512 J of work to ride.

    Mechanical efficiency =  432 J/512 J × 100 %

    = 0.844 × 100%

    = 84.4 %

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