A submarine took 9 hours to complete a journey. For the first 5 hours, it travelled at an average speed of 106 km/h. For the rest


A submarine took 9 hours to complete a journey. For the first 5
hours, it travelled at an average speed of 106 km/h. For the rest
of the journey, it travelled at an average speed of 125 km/h.
What was the total distance of the journey?

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Mít Mít 3 years 2021-07-30T08:44:51+00:00 1 Answers 86 views 0

Answers ( )



    1030 km


    t= 9 hours

    t1= 5 hours

    s1= 106 km/h

    d1 + d2= d

    t1 + t2 =t

    5 hours + t2 =9 hours

    t2= 5 hours – 9 hours

    t2= 4 hours

    s2= 125km/h

    d= ?

    s= d/t

    s1= d1/t1

    106= d1/5

    d1= 106 x 5

    d1= 530km

    s2= d2/t

    125= d2/4

    d2= 125 x 4

    d2= 500km

    d= d1 + d2

    d= 530 + 500

    d= 1030km

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