A stone is dropped from the top a 45m hign building how fast will it moving when it reaches the ground? Ande what will its velocity be?


A stone is dropped from the top a 45m hign building how fast will it moving when it reaches the ground? Ande what will its velocity be?

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Amity 3 years 2021-08-14T20:10:31+00:00 1 Answers 182 views 1

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    29.7 m/s fast, velocity is 29.7 m/s



    v² = u²+2gs…………………. Equation 1

    Where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity, s = distance.

    Given: u = 0 m/s (dropped from height), s = 45 m

    Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

    Substitute these values into equation 1

    v² = 0²+2×9.8×45

    v² = 882

    v = √(882)

    v = 29.7 m/s.

    Hence the stone will be moving 29.7 m/s fast and the velocity is also 29.7 m/s

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