(A) State the relation between acceleration and momentum (10 marks). (B) Two small steel balls A and B have mass 0.6 kg and 0.2


(A) State the relation between acceleration and momentum (10 marks).

(B) Two small steel balls A and B have mass 0.6 kg and 0.2 kg respectively. They are moving towards each other in opposite directions on a smooth horizontal table when they collide directly. Immediately before the collision, the speed of A is 8 m/s and the speed of B is 2 m/s. Immediately after the collision, the direction of motion of A is unchanged and the speed of B is twice the speed of A. Find : a. The speed of A immediately after the collision (10 marks), b. The magnitude of the impulse exerted on B in the collision (10 marks).

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Doris 3 years 2021-07-27T14:37:13+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    momentum is directly proportional to acceleration

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